Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions that are not answered below. Contact Capt. Charles Stuart cstuart@tdw.com


Warning for Officers completing the Nautical Institute DP course after 1 Jan 2012
Any Master or DPO signing off DP sea time in a NI DP logook when the vessel was not on DP could have their DPO certificate cancelled by the Nautical Institute.

Any Trainee DPO that records incorrect sea time can have all sea time cancelled by the Nautical Institute.

Any Trainee DPO that records DP sea time when not on the vessel could be banned from applying for DPO for 5 years.

Any of these actions potentially damage Tidewater’s reputation and can be grounds for disciplinary actions up to and including discharge for cause and permanent revocation and eligibility for hire with any Tidewater company.

Any Officer that completed the NI DP induction course before 1 Jan 2012 should contact the Tidewater DP committee at DPcommittee@tdw.com
IMCA DP logbook. After you have obtained your DPO certificate, please use an IMCA logbook to log DP time.

Note: Instruction in the front of the IMCA DP Logbook and only log time a vessel is on DP.

I have not started DP training - What I do?
Below is a copy of the New Nautical Institute DPO training Scheme.
If you have not started DP training, please read about the new scheme below. Seatime Passive and Active Seatime after 2015.

New DPO training scheme that starts 1 Jan 2015

Below is a copy of the New Nautical Institute DPO training Scheme.
If you have not started DP training, please read about the new scheme below. Seatime Passive and Active Seatime after 2015.

What are the changes over the last 3 years?
Due to various issues associated with the scheme, the NI has from time to time followed the recommendation from DPTEG to update their scheme.
During 2013, DPTEG recommended major changes to meet industry competency needs.

NI DPO Scheme up to 1 Jan 2012

1. Only one month sea-time before Induction course counted.

2. Induction course with NO exam, attendance required only.

3. 30 days on-board a DP vessel.

4. Simulator course with NO exam, attendance required only.

5. Minimum 30 days training on-board a DP vessel.

6. Competency signed off by the Master.

7. Total sea-time 210 days.

Sea-time days = Just on-board a DP vessel. Note that the standard for an unlimited Master certificate is just days onboard.

NI DPO Scheme (1 Jan 2012 to 31 Dec 2014)

1. One month sea-time before Induction course counted.

2. Induction course with online NI exam added – Started 1 June 2013.

3. 30 days training on-board a DP vessel (no stated requirement for actually using DP)

4. Simulator course with NO exam, attendance required only.

5. Minimum 30 days on-board a DP vessel.

6. Competency signed off by the Master.

7. Total sea-time 210 days.

Sea-time days changed to: To claim a sea-time day, the DP vessel must be on DP for one hour. New logbook issued from 1 Jan 2013 so DPO can log actual days on DP.

NI DPO Scheme (after 1 Jan 2015)

1. NO sea-time before Induction course counted.

2. Induction course with online NI exam, with enhanced course outline.

3. 60 to 90 days training on-board a DP vessel before the simulator course. The Trainee DPO must complete the new 9 pages task section of the new NI DP logbook to be issued 1 Jan 2015. (This is a very important part of the updated scheme.)

4. Simulator course with added online NI exam and practical exam at training center.

4a. Simulator course has been updated with failure mode table for the DP schools to follow and better tracking of the failure mode covered by each trainee. Course outlines have been enhanced.

5. Minimum 30 days on-board a DP vessel after simulator course.

6. Competency signed off by the Master.

7. Total sea-time 120 days. (Can be 120 days active or 90 days Active and 30 Passive)

8. Sea Time Reduction, “The period of supervised DP sea time days after the Simulator course may be reduced by a maximum of 30 days by the satisfactory completion of an intensive DP simulator training course. This course can be done straight after the Simulator course, but trainee DPOs are required to do a minimum of 30 days DP sea time onboard a classed DP vessel and have the Statement of Suitability signed by Master after the course. A company confirmation letter is required for verification of that DP sea time”

Sea-time days: To claim a sea-time day, the trainee must be involved with DP operation for a minimum of 2 hours per day. Sea-time can be Passive or active, but only 30 days passive can count between the Basic and Advance course. New logbook will be issued on 1 Jan 2015 so DPO can log actual days on DP and there will be one line per day.

The main issue was over number of days seatime required (ISOA favored 90 days)

I started my DP training before 1 July 2013 and did not have to do an online NI exam, what do I do next?
You need to complete 210 seatime days.

NOTE all seatime and Basic and advanced DP courses must be in the last 5 years

OR start completely from the start. Basic / Advanced and 120 days seatime, passive and active seatime.

I started my DP training after 1 July 2013 and completed an NI online exam. What do I do next?
If you completed the basic DP course with online exam you may continue with the old scheme and you would need 210 days seatime

You can start you seatime from the 1 Jan 2015. Note all seatime before 1 Jan 2015 would not count.

If you what to re start seatime from 1 Jan 2015 please contact me at cstuart@tdw.com

Seatime Passive and Active Seatime after 1 Jan 2015

Seatime Passive and Active Seatime

During the Nautical Institute review of the NI DPO Certificate Scheme, seatime was discussed in detail. The old seatime of 210 days on a vessel worked fine until 5 years ago when many vessels started to have DP fitted.

Two years ago the NI changed the seatime of 210 onboard to 210 days with at least one hour on DP.

This then made the NI DPO Certificate completely unrealistic because 80% of vessels only work on DP for 30% to 50% of the time. It would take Deck Officers on PSV and AHTS 3.5 to 5 years to get the seatime for a NI DPO Certificate and some would never gain the required seatime within 5 years.

There was NO consideration that a PSV/AHTS could setup and work DP more than 8 times a day, as compared to many large DP Vessels and Drill Ships that only setup on DP once a month.

Seatime had to be redefined and safeguards put in place to ensure DP seatime and DP training were effective.

The goal was to shorten the training time to allow to train more DPOs, and to ensure the DPO training standard meets industry best practice.

DP Seatime – What is DP seatime?

In the past, seatime for manual handling a vessel was related to “Stick Time” – the amount of time spent driving the vessel using the manual handles and getting the hand-eye coordination and the amount of power required just right.

DP seatime is very different to “Stick Time” and not 100% of DP seatime is required monitoring a DP screen.

On-board seatime can be divided into two sections: (1) Active (when using thruster and fuel); and (2) Passive (without thrusters and not using fuel). It is important to note that Passive seatime is very important to Charterers that do not want a Deck Officer straight from the Basic/Induction Course operating the DP system next to their platform.

ONLY Officers starting after 1 Jan 2015 may claim Passive and Active seatime and then only between the Basic and the Advanced course

Officers starting after 1 Jan 2015 must have 2 hours DP time per seatime day.

Example of Active seatime – with propulsion:

1/ Planning, starting thrusters, setting up on DP, and DP operations

2/ Operating the DP system with a fully trained DPO standing next to trainee

3/ Completed checklist

4/ Being part of the DP Bridge team during DP operations

Example of Passive seatime – without propulsion:

· To help, the NI has listed the tasks in the logbook that can be completed in Passive mode

· Using the DP system in simulator mode when on standby, at anchor or in port

What are the advantages of using the DP system in simulator mode?

Use the simulator mode on the ship’s DP system (only when the vessel is NOT on DP)

A/ The program is the same as used to hold the vessel on DP, and reacts the same as the operating vessel when using the DP to hold position.

B/ The screens on the DP system in simulator mode are the same as the DP operator would use when the vessel is on DP.

C/ Completing DP Setup and Change of Watch Checklists are the same as completing them when the vessel is on DP.

D/ Practice slowing the vessel down with DP joystick.

E/ Practice testing the joystick and verifying setpoint/feedback.

F/ Practice changing the DP system to auto heading.

G/ Practice slowing the vessel and going into full Auto DP.

H/ Practice moving the vessel in full Auto DP.

I/ Practice completing the DP Checklist and review all DP screens without the possibility of any danger.

Other types of passive DP training
When the vessel is not on DP and either alongside wharf or at anchor, have the seaman setup a reflector or transponder on the aft deck. Then have the trainee Deck Officer clean the lens of laser system, setup the relative reference unit and lock onto target, then select into DP system.

A/ This will train the Deck Officer as if they were using it on DP.

B/ This also checks the input from the relative position reference system to the DP system

C/ This will work for Fanbeam, CyScan, SpotTrack, Radius, Mini RadaScan and RadaScan

D/ Review FMEA and Annual Trials and discuss with the DPO/mentor re the content and what is the vessel’s worst case failure.

How to log DP seatime?
If you are going for a DPO certificate, all DP seatime is to be logged in the NI DP logbook.

The vessel must log DP seatime in the Deck Logbook.

When Logging DP seatime in the Vessel Deck Logbook, it is the time from the start of planning DP operations and starting thrusters to the time thrusters are shut down and completing all paperwork.

Officers starting after the 1 Jan 2015 must have 2 hours DP time per seatime day.

Example of Active seatime – with propulsion:

1/ Planning, starting thrusters, setting up on DP, and DP operations

2/ Operating the DP system with a fully trained DPO standing next to trainee

3/ Completed checklist

4/ Being part of the DP Bridge team during DP operations



I am a DPO and have not been logging seatime - What should I do?
We are working on this problem.
If am a serving DPO how do I revalidate?
You just need to prove 150 active seatime days in the last 5 years

Apply online

Draft seatime letter attached below

Revalidation of DP certificates

The Nautical Institute strongly recommends that DPOs who already hold the NI DP certificate log their DP sea time in their NI and/or IMCA logbook. Confirmation letters are required for revalidation of DP sea time gained after 1st January 2014. The revalidation will be phased as below:

Note – Apply in the month you got your DP certificate

2015: Revalidation of certificates issued from 1984 to 2002, 2009 and 2010
2016: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2003-2004 and 2011
2017: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2005-2006 and 2012
2018: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2007-2008 and 2013
2019: Revalidation of certificates issued in 2013 and so on

Candidates are required to apply online through the website of The Nautical Institute. The following documents shall be sent as part of the application:
– Original NI DP logbook and IMCA logbook (IMCA logbook if applicable)
– Original DP certificate issued by The Nautical Institute
– Confirmation letter for all sea time claimed after 1 January 2014
– Copy of Certificate of Competency (CoC) or Proficiency if holder started the scheme after January 2012.
In the case of revalidation, The Nautical Institute requires that DPOs send their documents in the same month as their original DP certificate was initially issued, i.e. the month printed in the DP certificate.
After verification and if applicable, the DP certificate will be replaced with a new expiry date, valid for 5 years.

If am a Master of a DP vessel and I do not operate the DP system all the time how do I revalidate?
If you are the Master of a DP Vessel and dont stand a watch your time as Master will will count

You will need to prove the vessel was on DP for 150 days

Apply online


Draft seatime letter below

Revalidation of DP certificates

The Nautical Institute strongly recommends that DPOs who already hold the NI DP certificate log their DP sea time in their NI and/or IMCA logbook. Confirmation letters are required for revalidation of DP sea time gained after 1st January 2014. The revalidation will be phased as below:

Note – Apply in the month you got your DP certificate

2015: Revalidation of certificates issued from 1984 to 2002, 2009 and 2010
2016: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2003-2004 and 2011
2017: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2005-2006 and 2012
2018: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2007-2008 and 2013
2019: Revalidation of certificates issued in 2013 and so on

Candidates are required to apply online through the website of The Nautical Institute. The following documents shall be sent as part of the application:
– Original NI DP logbook and IMCA logbook (IMCA logbook if applicable)
– Original DP certificate issued by The Nautical Institute
– Confirmation letter for all sea time claimed after 1 January 2014
– Copy of Certificate of Competency (CoC) or Proficiency if holder started the scheme after January 2012.
In the case of revalidation, The Nautical Institute requires that DPOs send their documents in the same month as their original DP certificate was initially issued, i.e. the month printed in the DP certificate.
After verification and if applicable, the DP certificate will be replaced with a new expiry date, valid for 5 years.

If am a DPO and only use DP sometimes how do I revalidate?
You only need 150 active seatime days on the last 5 years, if you don’t have 150 days please read document attached below

Please apply online

Revalidation of DP certificates

The Nautical Institute strongly recommends that DPOs who already hold the NI DP certificate log their DP sea time in their NI and/or IMCA logbook. Confirmation letters are required for revalidation of DP sea time gained after 1st January 2014. The revalidation will be phased as below:

Note – Apply in the month you got your DPO certificate

2015: Revalidation of certificates issued from 1984 to 2002, 2009 and 2010
2016: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2003-2004 and 2011
2017: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2005-2006 and 2012
2018: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2007-2008 and 2013
2019: Revalidation of certificates issued in 2013 and so on

Candidates are required to apply online through the website of The Nautical Institute. The following documents shall be sent as part of the application:
– Original NI DP logbook and IMCA logbook (IMCA logbook if applicable)
– Original DP certificate issued by The Nautical Institute
– Confirmation letter for all sea time claimed after 1 January 2014
– Copy of Certificate of Competency (CoC) or Proficiency if holder started the scheme after January 2012.
In the case of revalidation, The Nautical Institute requires that DPOs send their documents in the same month as their original DP certificate was initially issued, i.e. the month printed in the DP certificate.
After verification and if applicable, the DP certificate will be replaced with a new expiry date, valid for 5 years.

If am not working on a DP vessel, But I am and DP instructor, DP training Captain, DP Supervisor how do I revalidate?
If you a DP Supervisor, DP Training Captain, DP Instructor, DP Auditor you need to prove you have completed 150 days in the role.

Apply online

You will require a seatime letter draft is attached below.

Revalidation of DP certificates

The Nautical Institute strongly recommends that DPOs who already hold the NI DP certificate log their DP sea time in their NI and/or IMCA logbook. Confirmation letters are required for revalidation of DP sea time gained after 1st January 2014. The revalidation will be phased as below:

Note – Apply in the month you got your DP certificate

2015: Revalidation of certificates issued from 1984 to 2002, 2009 and 2010
2016: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2003-2004 and 2011
2017: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2005-2006 and 2012
2018: Revalidation of certificates issued from 2007-2008 and 2013
2019: Revalidation of certificates issued in 2013 and so on

Candidates are required to apply online through the website of The Nautical Institute. The following documents shall be sent as part of the application:
– Original NI DP logbook and IMCA logbook (IMCA logbook if applicable)
– Original DP certificate issued by The Nautical Institute
– Confirmation letter for all sea time claimed after 1 January 2014
– Copy of Certificate of Competency (CoC) or Proficiency if holder started the scheme after January 2012.
In the case of revalidation, The Nautical Institute requires that DPOs send their documents in the same month as their original DP certificate was initially issued, i.e. the month printed in the DP certificate.
After verification and if applicable, the DP certificate will be replaced with a new expiry date, valid for 5 years.